Cărți Usborne (4) Pentru copii de 7-11 ani

Carti Usborne

Se apropie mult iubita sărbătoare a copiilor: 1 iunie! Pe lângă dulciuri sau diverse jucării, un cadou potrivit ar mai fi, de asemenea, cărți pentru copii. Una dintre editurile adorate de copii și de părinți deopotrivă este Usborne. Pentru mai multe detalii despre această frumoasă familie, vizitează primul articol ce vorbeste pe larg despre editura Usborne, cum a luat naștere și cum au ajuns atât de cunoscuți în întreaga lume.

Carti Usborne

Usborne oferă unele dintre cele mai frumoase povești pentru copii. Pe lângă diversele teme menite să ajute la dezvoltarea celor mici, aceștia au creat cărți cu sunete, cărți senzoriale, ba chiar cărți cu stickere ce-i provoacă pe copii la diverse activități interactive.

Cum în articolul anterior am vorbit despre categoria de vârste cuprinse între 5 și 7 ani, acest articol recomandă cărți Usborne pentru copii de 7, 8, 9, 10 respectiv 11 ani.
Articolele viitoare vor recomanda cărți pentru vârste cuprinse între 11-13 ani și 13+.

Și, înainte de a parcurge recomandările acestui articol, dacă vrei să cercetezi și mai amănunțit disponibilitatea cărților de la editura Usborne, te invit călduros să accesezi cu un simplu click următoarele magazine online cu trimitere directă către secțiunea dedicată special acestei edituri: Books-express.ro Elefant.ro Libris.ro Cărturești.ro  Librex.ro Cartepedia.ro și emag.ro

Așadar, haide să vedem împreună o selecție de cărți Usborne ieftine și pe placul juniorilor (mențiune: cărțile sunt în limba engleză).

Vârsta 7 ani +

1. Tales of Brave and Brilliant Girls from Around the World

Tales of Brave and Brilliant Girls from Around the World carti usborne

About: ”Here are traditional tales from every corner of the globe, all featuring bold and clever heroines who battle dragons, fight sea serpents or save their village from monstrous thieves. This is a sequel to the best-selling title Forgotten Fairy Tales of Brave and Brilliant Girls.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

2. Coding for Beginners: Using Scratch

Coding for Beginners Using Scratch carti usborne

About: ”This friendly beginner’s guide covers the basics of Scratch coding, one of the most popular programs used in UK primary schools on the National Curriculum. With step-by-step instructions showing children how to create games, animations and more, plus Scratch menu guides, a glossary and links to websites for free downloads and helpful tips.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

3. Story of Art Picture Book


Story of Art Picture Book carti usborne

About: ”A beautiful introduction to the fascinating story of western painting. From the first cave paintings to modern masterpieces, each double page includes fascinating facts and stories about the pictures and artists, plus internet links to websites to find out more. Published in association with The National Gallery, London.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

Vârsta 8 ani +

1. 100 Things to Know About Planet Earth

100 Things to Know About Planet Earth carti usborne

About: ”Did you know that rain sometimes falls red? Or that the equivalent of one truckload of plastic is dumped in our oceans every minute? This visually stunning book is filled with 100 fascinating facts, bright, infographic illustrations, information on ways we can help our planet and links to specially selected websites to find out more.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express Vezi preț pe eMAG 

2. 100 Things to Know About History

100 things to know about History carti usborne

About: ”What was the `Flute of Shame’? Which two US Presidents were arrested for reckless riding? Why would an African king be afraid of a parrot’s egg? Find the answers these questions, along with loads of other curious, amazing and shocking facts from history in this eye-catching book that is absolutely bursting with information.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express Vezi preț pe Libris 

3. Tudors and Stuarts

Tudors & Stuarts carti usborne

About: ”From battles and beheadings, to plots and plague, this book tells the story of life in Britain under the Tudors and Stuarts. Full of intriguing facts, illustrations, detailed reconstructions, paintings and maps.”

Vezi preț pe Books Express Vezi preț pe eMAG 

Vârsta 9 ani +

1. The Haunting of Aveline Jones

The Haunting of Aveline Jones carti usborne

About: ”Aveline Jones loves reading ghost stories, so a dreary half-term becomes much more exciting when she discovers a spooky old book. Not only are the stories spine-tingling, but it once belonged to Primrose Penberthy, who vanished mysteriously, never to be seen again. Intrigued, Aveline decides to investigate Primrose’s disappearance.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

2. Creative Writer’s Handbook

Creative Writer's Handbook carti usborne

About: ”An engaging handbook with all the help you need to write better stories, blogs, scripts and poetry, with lists of inspiring words and tips on editing and grammar. See how well-known writers put techniques into practice, and try out ideas on the jotting pages. This is a book no young writer should be without.”

Vezi preț pe Books Express

3. Proud of Me

Proud of Me carti usborne

About: ”An accessible child-centred story about self-acceptance and the importance of opening up to those closest to you.”

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Vârsta 10 ani +

1. Philosophy for Beginners

Philosophy for Beginners carti usborne

About: ”Philosophy is a way of thinking about just about anything. It asks big questions, such as «how can I be good?» or «what makes something beautiful?» Using lively examples, humorous illustrations and simple thought experiments, this book opens up the world of philosophy to both children and adults and includes links to videos and activities.”

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2. The World of the Unknown: UFOs

World of the Unknown UFOs carti usborne

About: ”From flying saucers and supersonic spaceships, to alien encounters and famous fakes, this classic title traces UFOs throughout history. First published in 1977, this is the second book from Usborne’s World of the Unknown series to be back by popular demand. With a foreword by impressionist Jon Culshaw.”

Vezi preț pe Books Express

3. Climate Crisis for Beginners

Climate Crisis for Beginners carti usborne

About: ”This book explains, in simple language and with clear illustrations, what the climate is, and how it is changing very rapidly at the moment, and the effects this is having on our planet. It tackles suggestions about what needs to change in the way people live, from power stations to farming, and explains why it’s so difficult to do.”

Vezi preț pe Books Express Vezi preț pe eMAG 

Vârsta 11 ani +

1. Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Maths

Illustrated Dictionary of Maths carti usborne

About: ”Provides a suitable reference point for students studying for their SATs and GCSEs. This title is split into 4 main sections covering various aspects of the national curriculum, from algebra to APRs, volume to vectors and trigonometry to transformation. It also includes a glossary of mathematical terms and symbols.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express Vezi preț pe Libris 

2. What’s Science all about?

whats science all about carti usborne

About: ”Written in a conversational style, this book offers children an approachable source of information on physics, chemistry and biology. It features fun yet simple experiments that give children working examples to learn from.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

3. Managing Your Money

Managing Your Money carti usborne

About: ”This down-to-earth guide is filled with practical advice on everything from how to budget and be a smart shopper to student loans, mortgages and insurance. An essential book for equipping young people with the skills they need to manage their money now and in the future. Includes links to websites with more tips and advice.”

Vezi preț pe Elefant Vezi preț pe Books Express 

Dacă alegi să dăruiești oricare dintre aceste cărți Usborne îl vei face pe juniorul tău fericit. Cu ajutorul acestor povești educative pentru copii, aceștia vor ajunge să îndrăgească și mai mult cititul.

Te-ar putea interesa și articolele Cărți Usborne (1) Pentru copii de 0-3 ani, Cărți Usborne (2) Pentru copii de 3-5 ani și Cărți Usborne (3) Pentru copii de 5-7 ani.

La mulți ani, dragi copii! Să aveți o copilărie fericită! Și citită 🙂 

Poftă bună la citit!


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